Sunday, November 09, 2008

Blogger BF Kade pleads: Please Don't Kill Obama

There is still a very powerful fascist strain that lies just below the surface of U.S. politics. Their most blatant activities are usually reserved for OTHER countries, but the sixties showed us that they are not afraid to take direct action within our borders as well.

But if I could address those forces directly, I think I would say this:

This moment in history is different. If you don't allow Obama to complete his term, the consequences will go far beyond what even YOU can control. It will, quite literally, mean the end of the United States as a country.

So please, don't kill Obama. We are watching. The world is watching.

We're all Zapruders now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The end of Obama would mean the end of America? Obama is going to destroy America! I don't know if his assassination would help or hurt America at this point. My thoughts are that the best thing would be for him to complete his term so the American people can see for themselves what fools they were to elect him in the first place! They think they wanted change, well let them experience it firsthand!! Poverty, apathy, disease, war, famine, unemployment, socialized medicine, socialismn (re-distribution of wealth), foriegn invasion.... all to come with Obama!! Hope you idiots enjoy your change!!

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Poverty, apathy, disease, war, famine, unemployment, socialized medicine, socialismn (re-distribution of wealth), foriegn invasion.... all to come with Obama!!"

If you're talking about the Bush administration, you only did some mistakes: Poverty, apathy, disease, war, famine, unemployment, medicine for the rich, capitalist socialism (re-distribution of wealth from the poor to the rich), foreign invasion

"I don't know if his assassination would help or hurt America at this point."

I know for sure that YOUR assassination would help America get ride of an idiot. Not that I wish you any harm, I only wish you find a brain.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think killing Oboma would creat a bigger disaster than leaving him in for 4 years. Maybe by the time he leaves office the idiots who elected him will have their fill of the raciest. He isn't for the white people of America or the blacks. He's for the sole rule of Oboma. And he will lie and use what ever he has at his disposal to acive an Omama Nation.

6:40 PM  

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